Friday, September 15, 2006

Week 2 Pickup fiasco!

Long story short.... I messed up. The people who tried to put someone on IR to pick someone up did not get their picks. That goes for 9 Fingers (2 players), Hit Squad, Lizard Kings, and Dragons. In the case of Dragons, their IR move was intended to be their first pickup...and they wanted 2 pickups, so they got their 2nd pickup first. This had to be switched, so their IR move was first.

The reason for the screw-up was my tinkering in the League Rules section of the website (only can be changed by those with commish access). I changed the max # of players on a roster to 14, while the max # of players on IR was set at 3. I thought the IR players did not count against the roster size, but apparently that is not the case. So those who tried to put in an IR move had theirs declined because according to the site, it would have brought them over the max # of players allowed on a roster. Yes, it was my fault for changing it (I guess I thought some teams might pickup more than they were allowed...stupid on my part), but sometimes the Sportsline site is a little nebulous when it comes to their commisioner functions.

That being said, everything should work next week as planned, since I know what the problem was.

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