Tuesday, September 12, 2006

IFL Brother 14

We tried this before, in Survivor style, so this year we'll switch it up. Yes, it's IFL Brother. (you all know my love of reality TV). Each week, the low score of the week gets evicted from the house. The high scorer has immunity (HoH) and cannot be evicted the following week. At the end of the season, the last "man" standing wins the grand prize, a 28-oz. bottle of Jergens.

So let's start the eviction ceremony.

By a vote of 13-0....and with a measley 46 points in your Week 1 loss to the BC Bombers....Dead Beats owner Chaos..... you have been evicted from the IFL Brother house. Now get the f*** out.

Congrats to Chris T of BC Bombers fame, by virtue of the high weekly score (139) he is the new HoH and he can't be evicted next week...so feel free to lay a dodo egg in your Week 2 game.

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