Tuesday, April 22, 2008

State of the IFL

As we all try to recover from the abomination that was Mud Dogs winning the IFL, we must put that behind us and move forward. CHANGE is the key word here for 2008. A new champion, a new page in IFL history. And imagine this scenario - just as Obama might be the first black president, will we have the first black IFL Champion? That, my friends, is doubtful.


It is with a heavy heart that we bid adieu to RVG from the Rules Committee, and welcome Shu into the fold. The Committee has not yet convened for their annual offseason meeting/BBQ, but hopes to begin conversations on how to tinker with the most mundane details of the league within the next couple weeks. As the "new guy" of the RC, Shu is responsible for dropping off and picking up my dry cleaning during the season.

As always, if you have any suggestions/complaints/compliments about the league or its rules, please let us know. You can also drop off any notes in the suggestion box outside my office if you wish to remain unanimous.


I will be sending an email to everyone soon to gauge availability for Sunday, August 31, which is the projected Draft date. If you are willing to put your name in the hat as a host, speak up. Mike B had previously whispered in my ear that he might be willing to do it again... that would be fine with me.


If you have any hard copies of old IFL updates, please place them in your local recycling recepticle. If you're lucky, they will end up as toilet paper and someone will soon be wiping their ass with your team.

Also, please place any old IFL trophies into your recycling bin on trash day. The wood alone from those things would feed over 900 beavers.

Expect to hear from me some time around Memorial Day.

Good luck with finals.

Vernon W. Pocoroba (D-N.J.)